article about exercise and health very useful article

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article about exercise and health
 article about exercise and health

Why is exercise important?

Have you ever heard the expression "take it or leave it?" It is true that if you do not use your body, article about exercise and health you will surely lose. Your muscles become soft and weak. His heart and lungs do not work effectively. Why is exercise important And your joints will be stiff and easily injured. Inactivity is as much a health risk as smoking!

Helps prevent disease
Our bodies were designed to move - who dream exercise. article about exercise and health Regular exercise is necessary for physical fitness and good health. Reduces the risk of heart disease, cancer, Why is exercise important hypertension, diabetes and other diseases. It can improve your appearance and delay the aging process.

Improves resistance
When you exercise, Why is exercise important article about exercise and health your body uses energy to continue. Aerobic exercise involves continuous and rhythmic physical motion, such as walking and cycling. Improve your strength training your body to become more efficient and use less energy for the same amount of work. article about exercise and health As your fitness level improves, article about exercise and health your heart rate and breathing rate return to resting levels much sooner from strenuous activity Why is exercise important.

Strengthens and tones
Exercising with weights and other forms of resistance training develops your muscles, article about exercise and health bones and ligaments for increased strength and endurance. Your posture can be improved, and your muscles become firmer and toned. Why is exercise important article about exercise and health You do not feel better, but look better, too!

Improves flexibility
article about exercise and health Stretching exercises are also important for good posture. They keep your body flexible so you can bend, reach and twist. Why is exercise important article about exercise and health Improve your flexibility through exercise reduces the risk of injury and improves balance and coordination. If you have any areas of tension, steep as the upper back and neck, performing specific stretches can help "loosen" those muscles, article about exercise and health helping you feel more relaxed.

Controls Weight
Exercise is also a key to weight control because it burns calories. If you burn more calories than you consume, you lose weight. health and fitness articles Why is exercise important It's that simple article about exercise and health.

Improved quality of life
Once you start exercising regularly, you will discover many more reasons why exercise is so important to improving the quality of your life. article about exercise and health Exercise reduces stress, elevates mood and help you sleep better. health and fitness articles It can keep you looking and feeling younger throughout his life health and fitness articles.
How often should I exercise?

The benefits of an exercise program will diminish if disturbed too often. A routine "stop-start" not only ineffective, but can cause injury. article about exercise and health Be consistent with exercise, therefore, is probably the most important factor to achieve the desired results.

People often assume that more is better. Wrong! If you do too much too soon or performing intense exercises daily will have detrimental effects, article about exercise and health such as muscle strain / tendon, lean tissue loss and fitness level plateaus Why is exercise important.

If you are a beginner, start slowly than you think you should. health and fitness articles article about exercise and health Three days a week is realistic, safe and effective. health and fitness articles If you are experienced, do cardiovascular (aerobic) exercise such as walking, jogging and cycling for up to 200 minutes per week with no more than 60 minutes per session.

Weight training should be done no more than three times a week aimed at the same muscle groups. article about exercise and health Exercise the same muscle groups, article about exercise and health  not consecutive because muscles need time to recover and can not be effectively trained if they are tired or sore. Days

Many people forget to stretch or simply because they have the time. Flexibility is important, so take your time! Stretching can be done every day, but stick to a minimum of three times a week to get the benefits. When the body is warm, like after a workout, article about exercise and health do five to 10 servings that target major muscle groups. Hold each stretch for 10-30 seconds health and fitness articles.

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